Sun, Sep 25, 2022 4:00 AM - 10:00 AM


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Shine your boots, bring your friends, and join the sexiest men, boys and dancing queens from around the world at the return of San Francisco’s epic afterhours Folsom dance party AFTERSHOCK.

AFTERSHOCK will take you on a journey of light and sound, so make sure you set your alarm clock and hydrate, because the music starts at 4AM. Legendary DJ ABEL returns to spin at his favorite after hours party, joined by New York’s finest lights and visual artists, GUY SMITH and ROB MONTENEGRO.

Over the last 13 years, Kyle Pickett has been leading a legendary team that has included AFTERSHOCK angels Billy Worthen and Jito Garcia. Their collaborative efforts transformed AFTERSHOCK over 25+ years into the iconic global party it is today. This year’s special event celebrates Ky Martinez Events stepping up to catapult AFTERSHOCK onto the Richter Scale of the future!


EVENTBRITE – $60 Ticket sales start on Saturday, May 28, 2021 at 5pm PST

RETAIL – No Retail Sales / Online Sales Only

DOOR – $80 Tickets will be available for sale at the door based on current government and health department COVID-19 mitigation protocols and club occupancy. Cash or Credit accepted.

ID Required. Coat and clothes check available. No Re-Entry. 21 and over only.

VENUE - City Nights 715 Harrison Street at 3rd, SoMa, San Francisco, CA 94107 Doors Open at 4AM.

Parking near the club is not easy. We suggest using Flywheel, Lyft or taxicab.